Think and Grow Rich Success Story Antonio Thornton

Think and Grow Rich Success Story Antonio Thornton

It was 1986. Antonio Thornton was groping his mom�s collection of books and old magazines where he found Think and Grow Rich. He was a boy of thirteen at that time. So, he was too small to absorb and understand the lessons of the book but he read the entire book. All that kid was able to absorb at that time, was �We created our own destiny. Our wealth and poverty begins from our inside�. That was enough to inspire that kid and from thereon, he read Think and Grow Rich for four times every year.

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As Antonio grew older, he started recognizing the real lessons in the book and it became his mental and spiritual part. He used to play the audio version of the book in his house and listen to the message while his hands were doing other works. The message got ingrained in the mind of the boy and it started affecting every field of his life. He was only seventeen when he started a pager and cellular phone company. He grew the company to earning $75,000 per year. His way to millionaire still had lot of tragedies, heart breaking temporary defeats and failures. The partner of Antonio�s company absconded with $250,000 of the company and as a result, the company crashed. Antonio had to sleep outside his house for six months. He used to take showers at his friend�s home and eat half-cooked food he prepared using his hot plate.  He worked on different jobs from time to time.
Months went by. From working on job to job, all Antonio could save was $37 and he used all of his earnings to start a computer company. He used Think and Grow Rich and by creating a strong burning desire grew it to $400,000 per year business. The very next year, the company was earning half a million dollar per year. Antonio Thornton was successful but he wanted to become a millionaire. and then�then something happened.

It was September 9. Planes took off for never landing again and then crashed into world trade centers. The computer company was one of the victims of the events. Earnings came down immediately. His partner in the business got frustrated and started blaming Antonio of misdealing in the company. At last, Antonio Thornton was thrown out of the company which was started by Antonio himself.
Once again, Antonio was broke. He went back to Atlanta to live in his brother�s basement. He believed that he could earn his money back, no matter where he is and in what conditions. He believed Think and Grow Rich as a perfect money making formula and it was the time to use it again. Now, Antonio made a firm decision that no matters what happen, he would not gave up until he had become a millionaire. Only few months after experiencing the failure of his company, he was again living in a wonderful house and got engaged to an adorable woman. He started a new business and he became a millionaire when he was 27.
Today, Antonio runs two successful companies. He had also invested in many other companies. According to his own estimate, he owns more than 350 websites.
Think and Grow Rich not only gave him wealth but also gave him trust that he could achieve anything he wants, by using the wealth formula Think and Grow Rich. Let me tell you another amazing anecdote here. Once, a journalist went to Henry Ford to interview him. He asked him: �How much time it will take you to build your fortune again, if you lost everything?� Henry Ford replied �Five years from scratch�.

What a trust! Why the ultra-rich had so much trust in him? That was because he believed that his wealth didn�t come out of luck. He believed that his wealth was a product of his mindset, efforts and dreaming. Rich believes that the way which leads to wealth is definite. That is rich follows some definite formula, some definite steps and habits to earn their fortune. It�s not luck. This gave them trust that if they lose their wealth through some adversity, they can make that again. See: Antonio Thornton went broke two times but always made that again by using Think and Grow Rich. Why? Because the formula is time tested and is the result of twenty five years of struggle and research. I have myself found hundreds of millionaires who have achieved success through the application of the principles of Think and Grow Rich. It will be interesting for you to know that Eight billionaires Andrew Tan, Larry Ellison, Oprah Winfrey. Bill Bartmann, Truett A. Cathy, David Murdock, Frank Giustra and Prem Watsa are great fans of Think and Grow Rich.

Think and Grow Rich � is the registered trademark and property of the Napoleon Hill Foundation. The book title �Think and Grow Rich� and any references are being used for illustrative purpose only, without permission, authorization and sponsorship by Napoleon Hill Foundation. I have no connection with Napoleon Hill Foundation or heirs of Napoleon Hill.

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